Blood Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse Gazing
May 15, 2022 10:30PM—May 16, 2022 1:30AM
Jug Bay’s Emory Waters Nature Preserve 6032 Pindell Road Lothian, MD 20711
Cost $5 pp
Categories Public Programs
Join Jug Bay staff and volunteers, to view the Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse. This takes place when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and its shadow covers the Moon. Watchers can see the Moon turn red when the eclipse reaches totality. Totality begins at 11:29 pm and ends at 12:53 am, with Partial and Penumbral Eclipses occurring before and after Totality. A Friends of Jug Bay member will bring a telescope to the event to supplement our naked eye and binocular viewing to gain better views of the Lunar craters and mountains. Bring your comfy chair, blanket, and warm drink to observe the event with other enthusiasts. Binoculars will be available to borrow. Ages 18 and older. $5 pp. Registration and current health guidelines required.